December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
We are reviving the popular "Tales of Triumph" series that debuted back in November, which shared the tales of five horses who, in their own way, triumphed against all odds. Over the next few months we will be sharing the tales of some special guests who, like those five horses, triumphed against all odds as well. They're excited to meet fans and share their stories at BreyerFest!
We are taking a quick break from all these amazing model reveals to share our first special guest who, against all odds, overcame every obstacle thrown her way and found a new beginning in horses.
We all know horses have an incredible ability to connect with people in ways that sometimes seem unimaginable. This connection can, in some cases, change and even save the lives of the people who cross their paths. Lauren Reischer is one of many people whose lives were changed by horses.
Lauren, now 25 years old, was born with Cerebral Palsy. Her diagnosis came with unique challenges that included muscle stiffness and tightening. Doctors predicted Lauren would struggle with many basic tasks such as crawling, learning to walk, and possibly speaking. After participating in many types of occupational, speech, and physical therapy sessions it was suggested that Lauren try therapeutic riding. Willing to give anything a try to give their daughter a chance, Lauren's parents took her to GallopNYC, a New York City-based therapeutic riding program.
At her first appointment a gentle giant of a Clydesdale was brought out for Lauren. One look at the big horse and Lauren’s parents knew this may be a challenge for her, as she had never been able to separate her legs on her own above her knees due to the severe stiffness. They trusted the handlers to work with Lauren and just as she was being lifted up onto the back of the big horse, Lauren's legs separated, on their own, for the first time in her life. She sat upright with her legs separated the whole time. This incredible moment changed Lauren’s life.
Lauren continued to see the benefits therapeutic riding had on her and after “graduating” from the program she continued to pursue riding recreationally and competitively. She had fallen in love with riding; once on a horse, her body moved like any other rider’s. While attending Brown University, she joined the riding team. Lauren was often excluded from many traditional team sports and activities due to her Cerebral Palsy, which isolated her from many of her peers in high school. But being on Brown’s equestrian team and actively competing was a huge milestone for her and gave her a sense of normalcy. Later on in her college career she became a co-captain for their NCAA equestrian team, which is something Lauren had thought never would happen.
Following her success in college, Lauren has continued to crush boundaries and inspire others. She created the Summer Show Series as director of development at Special Olympics New York (SONY), where equestrian athletes of SONY have the opportunity to compete alongside the larger hunter/jumper community at 'A' shows in their own signature equitation division. While she still spearheads this program, Lauren now works in Marketing & Communications at the American Thoracic Society and is a board member of GallopNYC, the therapeutic riding organization that she first started riding with.
While Lauren was presented with many challenges from birth, she was determined to not let that stop her from living life to the fullest. With the help of horses, Lauren continues to inspire and advocate for others living with disabilities, showing them and others that a disability does not define who you are and what you can do with your life.
We are excited for Lauren to join us at BreyerFest: Against All Odds in July. She and her two horses, Benignity and Renaissance, are ready to meet fans and share their stories. Meet them back at the stalls or catch one of their daily demonstrations in the Covered Arena!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
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