December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
For today’s final Limited Edition reveal, we saved the best for last!
Lorelei is a 433-foot tall rock on the banks of the Rhine River that was named after the distinct murmuring sound the water flowing through it makes. Inspired by this sound, in 1801, Clemens Brentano crafted the tale of a woman who fell to her death while atop the rock looking for her lost love, and thus a folktale was born.
This story changed hands and details over the years, including turning the woman Lorelei into a siren who lures sailors to crash into rocks on the banks of the river. Like a good game of “Telephone,” this simple story of lost love evolved into a story of mythological proportions over time, inspiring music, poetry, opera, and art.
For this summer’s celebration of Prost! the fan-favorite Proud Arabian Mare (mold #215) has been miniaturized into a stunning crystal. Lorelei will be a part of this year’s Limited Edition models, available to all ticket holders, whether you’re joining us in-person or online!
More information is coming your way, so don’t go too far!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
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