December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
Judging by Trinity Honaker
Hi there! My name is Trinity and I was literally so excited when I was asked to be the judge of this month's photo show, Pasture Pals! One of my favorite things about the model horse hobby is being able to go out and take photos of my Breyers in the wild as if they were alive and exploring the world, so being able to judge this month's theme is such an honor for me! Every time I go on vacation I make sure to pack a few ponies in my backpack or suitcase along with my camera, because no matter where you go there’s sure to be a mystical location that you can take some photos of your ponies at! What I loved about this month's theme is how open-ended was, is so everyone got to be as creative as they wanted with their entries! The world of model horse photography is limitless which is what makes it so exciting!
1st place:
Bethanne K., AZ
This photo does an AMAZING job of capturing this month's creative photo show prompt! Nothing is more fun than hanging out at the barn with your friends and your horses during summer break, and this little photo collage captures the moments you want to remember forever so well! Not only are the people having a blast but so are the horses, which is why this one stood out to me!
2nd place:
Jaycee S., NC
I absolutely love this photo as it does a fabulous job capturing the fun moments that going out into a pasture full of ponies (and goats and chickens) can bring! This photo captures the bond between the rider and the horse she’s petting so well and how a bond can be so strong between someone and their heart horse. Plus, having farm animals running around always gives you a good story to tell!
3rd place:
Angelica L., TX
This photo has such a breathtaking composition about it! From the lighting showing that these ponies are enjoying their summer morning outside together, to the fact that the herd has taken it upon themselves to jump one of the fallen trees in the pasture, this group of ponies is taking full advantage of a good summer morning! This photo really brings these models to life!
4th place:
Hilah D., VA
Nothing is better than having a funny summer story to tell all of your friends when you make it back to school in the fall, and this paint pony is taking it upon himself to ensure that his rider's summer is anything but lackluster! This photo does an excellent job capturing the less-than-ideal but funny moments that any rider could have with their favorite ponies during a trail ride! The photographer also did an amazing job adding the splashing effect to really bring this photo to life!
5th place:
Eva J., GA
This photo really caught my eye with how everything is captured! The two ponies are clearly having the time of their lives as they frolic and play in the pasture together. The sun in the background peeking through the trees adds a mystical feel that breathes life into this photo showing how gorgeous a summer morning with your two favorite ponies can be! Also, these ponies have miles to run and a forest to explore, ensuring that everyday will be an adventure for them!
6th place:
Mariner G., VA
What better way to spend the summer with those around you than on a trail ride on your favorite horses? This photo captures the special moments that an adventure to the river can bring. From the ponies looking like they’re having the time of their lives on their adventure to the people riding them holding hands, this photo was so well thought-out and very well-executed!
Luna G., CA
I adore this photograph as it does such an outstanding job capturing just how fun summer can be as you gallop through the pastures bareback on your favorite horse! The rider in this picture has so much trust in her pony as they freely gallop up the hill to get a gorgeous summer view!
Norah H., ME
This photo was another one that stood out to me because bringing treats into the pasture will always guarantee that you’ll have a swarm of ponies around you begging for one! This moment that so many equestrians experience was beautifully captured in this photo.
Lyla H., VA
A dream of many is to take their horse to the beach, and this photo captures just how elegant any horse will look with a background of white sand and the ocean! Nothing says summer fun like the smell of saltwater and the feel of sand, and to be able to experience that with your horse is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that this rider is blessed with!
1st place:
Kasandra W., ON, Canada
This photo does an outstanding job of capturing such a special little summer day moment as a foal discovers a butterfly for the very first time! I love how the photographer included the foal’s mom as she watches her kiddo frolic and play with the new flying friend! From the bright and cheery colors of the background to the soft palominos, the colors and composition of this photo have such a strong summer vibe about them!
2nd place:
Nelli L., WY
The cool breeze from the mountains after a hot summer day is one of the best feelings out there and to be able to experience that while watching two of your favorite ponies play amongst themselves in the pasture would be a core memory for anyone! This photo has a breathtaking composition, from the contrast of the colors with the background and the ponies to how the horses have been captured to show their playful spirits!
3rd place:
Paige R., AZ
This photo does an outstanding job capturing such a special little moment as this foal discovers a bunny for the very first time! The softness of the background adds a dream-like effect to this photo and almost shows how everything fades away as this foal investigates his brand-new friend for the very first time! The photographer did such an amazing job composing this photo!
Maddie M., FL
Nothing beats jumping into the water to cool off on a hot summer day, and this pupper took full advantage of the horses’ water trough! I adore how the photographer chose curious-looking ponies to breathe life into this funny little scene as they investigate the new water monster that looks like their puppy friend...
5th place:
Kiley C., AZ
This photo is so captivating, and the more you look at it the better it gets! From a completely unbothered pony who’s just going about his day to the pack of dogs that are tagging along behind, this scene is completed by the owner standing in the back panicked as her furry friends go off on an adventure together without her! The setup of this photo as everyone trots along the fence line as the sun rises in the background brings this entire scene to life!
6th place:
Morgan H., TN
Who doesn’t love splashing around in the water with their best friend? This photo does a brilliant job capturing just how much fun two ponies can have if they take an adventure down to the river! I love how the photographer added the splashing effect to really bring this whole scene to life and I love the contrast of the horses against the background!
Cade R., AZ
This photo is so elegantly composed, from the soft lighting in the background to the calm nature of everyone as they spend their morning together in the pasture! I adore the addition of the fluffy white cat who seems to be investigating as this owner spends some quality time with his favorite pony! The photographer did an amazing job capturing this beautiful scene.
Jasmin A., CO
This photo really stood out to me as it reminds me so much of the old-timey wild west photographs of Mustangs who roamed the plains! The photographer did a brilliant job capturing this herd as they move to a new pasture on a gorgeous summer day!
Bethany F., VA
What says adventure better than two foals wandering off together to cause some mischief? The composition of this photo is simply stunning. From the softness of the background to the foals who are curiously looking around, the photographer did a wonderful job bringing this scene to life!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!