Tales of Triumph: The Underdog
"Tales of Triumph" is an ongoing series sharing the tales of five horses who, in their own way, triumphed against all odds. Each story is told from the perspective of the horses themselves. We hope they get you in the spirit for BreyerFest 2024: Against All Odds!
“I grew up on a big, beautiful farm. There were so many friends to play with and a huge field to run in. My friends and I were treated like super stars from the moment we were born. One day a lot of us took a ride to another big farm and we were paraded in front of a lot of humans. This one human was talking really fast and then all of sudden people were clapping and we were led on to different trailers than what we came in.
The humans that took me said they had big plans for me. On their farm, the training was rigorous, but it was fun for me because I was fast and loved to run! The first few times I ran with other horses went okay; I needed to get used to all the commotion. My humans kept calling these “races.” I was told that I won a few, but there were still faster horses out there! I even went up against what my humans called my “rival.” I unfortunately came in second, but I knew I’d get my chance to prove myself again. And I did!
As I got older and raced more, I was starting to win. The humans watching me got excited when they heard my name and came from all over to watch me. I started to beat and tie records which made my humans very happy. They entered me in this big race. Apparently, it’s every human’s dream for their horse to run in it. My trainers and humans thought I was ready to take it on, but some others did not. They thought the other horses would beat me since I was not quite like them. I was ready to prove them wrong. I ended up winning the big race and was the first to do so in a while, apparently!
Many of the other humans were shocked that I could do it and was able to hold onto the lead like I did! They were sure I’d be overpowered by the other horses. My humans and trainers knew I had it in me and reveled in my victory. I may have been the underdog coming into the race year, but now everyone knows my name.
After my big race I ended up going to the track a few more times, continuing to win and show the humans I am the best. My owners said I had proved enough and decided to take me back to that big, beautiful farm where I got to run again in the huge fields. Now I get to watch the next generation grow up and teach them my secrets. I tell them to never underestimate the underdog, they just might surprise you!”
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