Tales of Triumph: Second Chance
"Tales of Triumph" is an ongoing series sharing the tales of five horses who, in their own way, triumphed against all odds. Each story is told from the perspective of the horses themselves. We hope they get you in the spirit for BreyerFest 2024: Against All Odds!
“I was born on top of the world. I grew up surrounded by shifting sands, towering sandstone formations, and canyons cut by wind and water as free as I was. My mom and her family ruled the tall plateaus and shared the low valleys. I grew and learned the ways of my land. I eventually left and found my own family to lead and protect. We grew, we were happy, and we were free.
One day a new noise came from the horizon. I tried to hide my family, but this noise from the sky made us run blindly into fences hidden among the hills. There were other horses not from my family already there. I tried to keep track of them amidst all the chaos. I lost them. I was put in a metal box and dropped off at a place with even bigger fences and even more horses. There was so much commotion. I was scared and just wanted to be with my family. I thought I heard their calls in the distance, but I was not sure. The days passed and I just didn’t care anymore. How could I exist without them?
One day my group was led to another open pen. There was a loud voice and a few humans around the pen. Soon we were all being separated again. I was pushed into another metal box. When the box was opened, I jumped out into a huge field. I immediately started calling for my family - maybe they were here. This one human was watching me and seemed very happy I was here. They introduced me to some other horses. They were fine, but not my family. The human let us roam their land and said we were safe here. It was like being back in the place I grew up in. I was surround by tall mountains, huge valleys, and plentiful meadows. I was glad to be back outside and free, but a piece of me was missing.
Almost a year went by, and I just stood by myself letting time pass. One day I heard a call from the barn a few miles away. It was familiar. I heard it again and I knew! I ran full speed toward the call. I saw the human as I came full speed into a pen. The kind human who never tried to touch me or ride me said they had a surprise for me. They opened a gate, and I ran through to find my family in the far field. They were all there! I could not believe it. This human found my family and brought them here! I led my family over the hill to show them our new home. We all had a second chance to be free again.”
Blog posts
September 6, 2024 Breyer Blog Team
Where did the time go?
Check out these fun fall activities!Read now -
August 30, 2024 Breyer Blog Team
2024 Breyer Halloween Preview!
Get ready for another spooktacular collection of models coming to BreyerHorses.com next week!Read now