December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
Welcome to a glimpse into the exciting world of model horse western tack! The Western world of horsemanship is filled with a variety of events, games, and styles, and many of these branches have developed their own special spin on the "standard" Western tack set. For example, silver "bling" is popular in showy Western Pleasure classes and parades, but the extra weight would hinder a horse and rider competing in a speed event like barrel racing. This article will focus on the differences between the two broadest categories of western tack: western pleasure and working western.
Western Pleasure tack is used, of course, in the western pleasure class, but that’s not all! Real horses are shown in pleasure tack for western trail, horsemanship, western riding, western equitation, sometimes reining, and others. The theme you’ll notice here is that this bright, sparkly, shiny show tack is used in classes where the horse is moving relatively slowly, and is exhibiting what a "pleasure" they are to ride. Western pleasure tack can range from simple silver corner plates to crystal-encrusted from front to back. The riders will often be in similarly sparkly outfits, creating a picture of glitter and glitz from head to toe.
Ichabad Crane is wearing a fairly simple, clean western pleasure tack set. Note the crystals in the corners, tooled accents, and the matching studded details on the bridle. This set would be appropriate for almost any western class.
Harley D Zip is shown in a shiny western pleasure tack set. This set has gold edging around the lower skirt, studded crystals, corner crystals, and silver accents. This set would be perfect for western pleasure, western trail, or western riding. This set wouldn’t be right for a working cow class, or anything where the rider may need to dismount in a hurry!
Catch Me is outfitted in a pink themed western pleasure tack set. Complete with coordinating pad, we would expect to see a matching rider in pink and white to round out this entry. This entry is a great example of each part (tack, saddle pad, horse) complementing each other to create a visually appealing end result. This tack set could be used in any pleasure event.
What NOT to do! All Out is presented in a very flashy black and silver western pleasure set. She is doing a fast reining spin/rollback, and this may not actually be a very good match of tack to horse! It sure does look pretty on her, but she’s moving so quickly that she should probably be in a tack set with more working elements. She could show in this tack set, but it would take some very careful documentation and event research by the entrant.
Working Western tack is used in, you guessed it, working western events! These include the rough-and-tumble cow classes, gymkhana (though recently, gaming tack is often nearly as sparkly as western pleasure!), ranch horse trail, timed trail trials, un-judged natural trail riding, and events where utilitarian sturdiness is more important than fancy decorations. Working tack is often darker in color, and will feature extra fitting details like a back cinch or breastcollar. Working western riders will be in functional attire that varies quite a bit depending what event they are participating in.
Affirmed is shown in a typical working western tack set. Note the lack of silver or crystal details; only functionally simple adornments are used here. The set is fully-tooled to add depth and richness. This set features a back cinch and breastcollar to keep the saddle well-placed, and a bridle with closed reins for safety. This entry is ideal for any working cow class, gymkhana, timed or natural trail riding, or even just a fast gallop in the field.
C’est La Vie is equipped in a working western tack set with all the details. Note the back cinch (shaped for roping), wrapped saddle horn, breastcollar, tie-down, and closed reins. This is a tack set made specifically for working cow classes, but could also enter gymkhana. Tie-downs are prohibited in some western events, so it’s important to do research and find out what specific equipment is worn by horses in the event you are attempting to portray.
Performance showing is about telling a story in a moment. Your first order of business is to make sure all the parts of your setup are correct, clean, and safe. It’s important to remember your story as you build your entry. Every part of your performance entry should be an active part of telling the story you have in your mind’s eye. For this reason, it can be a good idea to think about coordinating colors for your model horse entry. Of course, in real life it’s unlikely that a rider would happen to have a show jacket and saddle pad that matched the color of the ground poles in the trail obstacle they were navigating, but it could happen – and I guarantee you the show photographer would be thrilled to get photos of it! In models, we do have the luxury of choosing all the elements we put on the table. Selecting colors that complement each other is a great way to take your entry to the next level.
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!