December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
Right, right…we said we were taking a break yesterday from the Blog but we just couldn’t help ourselves. We simply could not wait until next week to get this coveted information out to fans – this year’s BreyerFest Contests!
For fans looking to enter our fun Diorama Contest, this year’s theme is Celebrating 75 Years of Breyer History! From its inception in 1950, the Breyer brand has maintained its position as the premiere brand of model horses and collectibles, with an unmatched commitment to authenticity, quality, and realism. Celebrate this milestone with us by participating in our “Cheers to 75 Years!” diorama contest where entrants are asked to create a diorama, using any scale Breyer model (excluding CollectA) that depicts their favorite Breyer moment from the last 75 years. What Breyer moment will you choose? The release (or discontinuation) of an iconic mold? Your first BreyerFest? A Collector Event experience you’ll never forget?
Participants coming to BreyerFest are invited to bring their entries to the Kentucky Horse Park for display in the Hands-on Hobby tent! You can read complete rules and other important contest information here. UK entrants can read our privacy notice here.
Interested in something more advanced? This year’s BreyerFest Best Customs Contest is the competition you’re looking for! This Contest will honor the best in Breyer model horse customizing - re-making and re-sculpting the model itself, awesome finish work, and superb tack. Our 2025 divisions are:
Excellence in Finish Work
Excellence in final paint decoration on your Breyer model, including, without limitation, a high level of detail work, smoothness of paint, and a glowing, flawless finish. Judging is on paint work, detail work, and realism. Realistic equines only, no fantasy entries.
Use a Breyer model(s) as your blank canvas, and let your imagination run wild! Judging is on creativity of concept and execution. A crowd favorite!
Most Extreme Custom
Extensive custom with little evidence of original base Breyer model(s) used. Judging is on the quality of the extent of re-working of conformation, finish work, and realism.
Performance Excellence (shown with Tack or Tack and Rider)
Performance Excellence showcases a snapshot of a real horse event. From a sliding stop in reining to that mid-air moment over the jump in eventing, your Performance entry should capture a moment in time
Excellence in Tack Making
Show us your best custom tack on any Original Finish Breyer model of any scale. English, Western, Regalia, Harness – all types of realistic horse tack may enter.
Model Glow Ups
This division will showcase customizations made to a model where the judges are able to clearly recognize the original or underlying model or mold used, and the “glow up” is just a refinement or improvement of the original mold used.
Please be sure to read complete contest rules and other information here! We can’t wait to see your amazing creations!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
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