December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
For those of you not in attendance at BreyerWest this weekend, here is your online reveal!
Say hello to the next Special Run model, Ash!
Ash is named after another sacred tree in Celtic mythology, and has been done in an ethereally-shaded light dapple grey with a chalky basecoat. His coat color reminded us of the grey-toned bark common among ash trees. Created on the Othello mold (#708), sculpted by Kathleen Moody, Ash will feature a high-gloss finish, and we think he is absolutely stunning!
Considered sacred and referenced often in Celtic mythology, figuring particularly prominently in the Celtic and North Germanic creation myths, ash trees are also part of a magical trilogy of trees associated with fairy lore. Ash trees were so revered in Ireland that even in times of strife, people refused to cut them down for firewood – except to be used in the sacred fired during Beltane celebrations in the spring. Both Oak and Ash trees are closely related to kingship and considered sources of ancient wisdom.
We hope you love Ash as much as we do, and that he finds a special place in your collection!
Keep your eyes on the BreyerFest blog – we’ve got a lot more in store!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
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