December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
We are just 48 hours from the BreyerFest ticket on-sale on Wednesday, February 1st at 1 PM Eastern! But before we get to that, we’ve got another fun reveal for fans!
The business of making wagons began for the Studebaker family in the mid-18th century on their property in Maryland. A family of German immigrants skilled in metalwork, they applied this skill to the manufacture of wagon parts. The art of wagonbuilding continued to remain in the family for more than 100 years when the now Indiana-based Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company began its life in 1852, as a coachbuilder making wagons, buggies, carriages, and harnesses. Studebaker produced a variety of types of wagons and carriages, including the Phaeton, Victoria, Brougham, and Bronson Wagon.
Image Courtesy of the Virginia Museum of Transportation
Though the company transitioned to include the manufacture of gasoline-powered vehicles in 1904, it continued to manufacture horse-drawn vehicles until 1919. It was at this time that a truck was added to the company’s lineup of vehicles to replace horse-drawn wagons. The last Studebaker car rolled off the line in 1966, ending an era in American vehicle manufacturing.
In celebration of this longevity in driving history, our Studebaker model has been done as a beautiful golden palomino tobiano pinto with a subtle pearly finish on Brigitte Eberl’s beautiful Shagya Arabian, mold #740.
This Traditional scale model will be a part of our Limited Edition offerings, but will only be available for guests to purchase online BreyerFest weekend. This model is available for all ticket holders to purchase, but will not be one of the options offered to VIP ticket buyers for pre-purchase.
We will see you right back here on the BreyerFest Blog tomorrow before our FINAL Limited Edition model reveal!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
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