December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
Judging by Leo Larkin
The theme for August’s Photo Show was “Wild at Heart.” This theme took me on such a nostalgic trip down memory lane. When I first got into model horses and photography 10 years ago, my usual goal I had in mind was making my models seem as ‘wild’ as possible. As I was looking through the entries, the ones that stood out the most to me were the ones that were bristling with that same raw, wild energy I strived for as a child. Overall, all the entries were amazing. Everyone did a fantastic job, keep up the good work!
1st place:
Caroline H., SC
Looking through the entries, this one immediately caught my eye. Between the composition, the colours, and the story it portrays, it’s nothing short of amazing. I really love that this photo was taken at a bit of a distance; it helps enforce the desired tone.
2nd place:
Angelica L., TX
You’ve really brought life to the models with this photo. The models are definitely acting wild—as would any wild horses in a storm! The editing of this photo was done perfectly, I love that a dirt splash was added to show more action.
3rd place:
Bella M., AK
This photo was much different than most of the other entries, I love the creativity! This horse looks like he’s having a great time rolling around in the mud. Adding the other horses in the background was an excellent decision! The rolling horse isn’t alone, his herd is nearby watching him. I also love that you covered his hooves in mud. To get into a muddy spot like that, his feet would most definitely have gotten muddy!
4th place:
Jackie H., TX
What a beautiful wild herd of horses going for a gallop through the field, I wonder if they’re feeling that lush green grass and racing each other! An excellent job was done to discreetly hide the horses’ stands. Any photographer knows it’s not always an easy task!
5th place:
Emilie F., WI
I absolutely love the thought and care that was put into this gorgeous set up. From waiting for that perfect sunset hour, all of Dani’s tack, to the careful arrangement of the horses so that they’re all clearly visible. I also noticed the eye-space/space for the horses to run to in this image; the composition was well-thought-out. You’ve captured an overall beautiful scene with a wonderful story.
6th place:
Hailey S., OH
This was another super unique entry, this time giving a twist on the theme! What I take from this photo is a pair of foals with some wild dreams! The editing of this photo was done excellently. I love the little balls of magic at the tips of their horns.
Honorable Mentions:
River L., CO
I wanted to pin this one as an honourable mention as sunsets and beautiful views are among my favourites. I would always imagine that a wild horse would be looking out and admiring the view. This sunset photo was executed excellently; any photographer that has shot a backlit sunset knows that they’re not easy. It’s always a struggle to have your subject illuminated without over exposing the sky behind. Great Job!
1st place:
Kaitlyn R., PA
This photo depicts such a beautiful energy, a wild horse living his best life and declaring it to the world below him. It reminds me so much of the mountains I use to visit out on the logging roads, I always tried to capture that ‘on top of the world’ energy with my models. It’s been captured in this photo beautifully, especially with that setting sun.
2nd place:
Hannah T., ND
The cracking of dirt in this photo makes it seem as though this horse is in wild, untouched land; Far from where humans venture… perfect for a mustang. The plants in this is beautifully in scale, vegetation sure grows wild in untouched places. I also love the dirt splash! It adds the perfect touch to complete the photo.
3rd place:
Alawnia D., PA
What a beautiful photo of a stallion with his favourite mare and foal. I love that the pair are similar colours! Who knows, maybe the baby will shed out to be a pretty palomino too! The lighting and the soft green tones in this photo is absolutely stunning, it sets a lovely mood.
4th place:
Amber H., CO
The detail and thought put into this image took my breath away. My first thought I had seeing the black and white image with the aged look was: “Is this that a photo your grandparents would have hiding in a photo album from the time they saw a wild mustang on a holiday?” Upon further inspection, it seems as though that was the entire idea! This image was executed to absolute perfection.
5th place:
Petra V., CA
The mountains in this are just… WOW. The model selection for this location is perfect. The ethereal mold strikes me as a wild—and slightly crazy—horse, pair it with some beautiful mountains and you have a truly wild photo.
6th place:
Katie B., PA
What a beautiful mustang dancing upon a mountain top! It looks like he’s sure living life on the wild side with how close he is to that edge! I hope it wasn’t a windy day!
Honorable Mentions:
Isabel E., IL
I had to pin this one as an honourable mention as it reminded me again so very much of my logging road photography adventures. Sometimes we’d stumble across these beautiful cascading waterfalls in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately most of the time they had too much vegetation around the edges I could never get a photo of one of my models with one, so seeing you have accomplished one of my photo goals makes my heart happy!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!