December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
Judging by Mindy Berg
“What does an average day in the life of your Breyer horse look like? Is it all about long gallops in the paddock, or do they prefer a cushy stall? Are they off getting into mischief, or being perfectly-behaved in a child's first riding lesson? The theme for our December Photo Show is A Day in the Life. Send us your photos of your Breyer models on an average day for them - whatever that may entail!”
Average day at the barn? Excellent! Those are my favorites! Keeping that theme in mind, I went through these most excellent pictures to pick out my favorites! I love it when a picture tells a whole story, or has a great feel to it. You folks gave me some hard choices! I did look for clear, concise photographs that felt authentic to me that portrayed a simple story of day in the life with horses. Since I had so many fantastic choices, I went with what tells a story about what was happening. Bonus points for a clear shot and good feels, as well as really capturing the feel of the scene!
1st place:
Caitlyn R., MS
This picture is so sweet with the girl taking care of her horse during a snowstorm. It is a very endearing shot of what it is like to care for a horse, in any weather.
2nd place:
Sydney D., NC
This picture looks straight out of a movie, with a horse crazy girl playing with her models and a real horse coming to her window. I love the tie-in with both the models and the “models!” Very cute and clever.
3rd place:
Raegan N., OR
Great use of this horse, and a fairly authentic capture. The phone in the other girl's hand made this a really funny photo!
4th place:
Quinn H., BC, Canada
This one looks like a postcard! I love the lighting. The little Fjord was a perfect choice. Sometimes simply enjoying time with your horse is the best!
5th place:
Skyler K., CA
This photo has a great angle and good use of props. Feeding carrots to horses is a very everyday occurrence at any stable!
6th place:
Alyiah G., SC
This is a lovely capture of a gal hauling in the woods for a fire in freezing weather. It’s a nice, clear shot, too.
Adlee R., NV
Really nice angle and great shot!
Lindsay H., ON, Canada
A nice shot that is very well-balanced.
Victoria A., NC
Looks like just about any shot taken on horseback! Very clever.
Eva J., AL
A beautifully-balanced shot - well done.
1st place:
Alli B., VA
This barn scene pretty much sums up “a day in life” perfectly! Well done!
2nd place:
Hollyn G., VA
Love the take on this. This entry looks like a postcard, and is very well done. Bravo!
3rd place:
Emma B., NY
The angle of this shot and the girl reaching for the lead rope cracked me up. Just a great, funny shot.
Cecilia H., WY
I liked the feel of this shot, and blacksmithing is a very common occurrence at a barn. Nicely done!
5th place:
Kiley C., AZ
Who doesn't tell their horse that they are beautiful a million times a day? A hysterical take on this show’s theme.
6th place:
Terry B., NC
A fun use of merging worlds in this one. I imagine kids at camp! Well done.
Jessica H., NH
I love the colors and the feelings this shot portrays.
Daphne H., UT
I like the setup of this – great use of props and a fun scene!
Morgan H., TN
Summer vibes!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!