December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
Judging by Kylee Parks
What an honor is was to judge this exceptionally awesome collection of photos! These were NOT easy to judge and narrowing down only 6 placings was quite a challenge. Each photo was carefully analyzed and judged on equal parts creativity, composition, accuracy and adherence to the BIRTHDAY BASH theme – it really seemed each of you had a different take on this particular aspect! Some were geared more towards the fantasy elements where the horses were the real party animals! Others took a more classic route and were straight out of a barn party that made feel like I was one of the guests! Each photo, whether it placed or not, was clearly well thought-out and captured with love and that made this an absolute JOY to judge. Thank you all for providing such a great group of photos!
1st place:
Fiona D., FL
I loved the creativity of this photo! I kept coming back to it and every time I did I just loved it that much more! The use of the blindfolded mustang striking the piñata was genius. He was clearly made to party and the use of this particular model was such a good idea. I also loved the placement of the other “party-goer” horses as they observed the chaos! Well done!
2nd place:
Lillian O., CO
The wonderful colors drew me to this photo instantly! Using the brightly colored horses themselves as the party decorations was a great choice and fit right on the theme. A compositionally flawless picture as my eye is drawn straight into the festive table and decor! Bravo!
3rd place:
Kaitlynn W., NC
This photo made me chuckle! I love the horses in the foreground, ears pricked and diving head first into that cake! The blurred background of the frantic owner was “the icing on the cake,” so to speak. I can feel her panic as her party is ruined. The cake and decorations are in scale and it all felt very real – even I wanted a bite of that cake!
4th place:
Jerri B., WA
Such a lovely photo that could be straight out of a Breyer catalog! It's crisp, clear and it appears each horse choice and placement was well thought-out. They all look like they are having a blast – where’s my invite?!?! Great job!
5th place:
Paige P., KY
This photo was such a dream – LITERALLY every little girl’s dream! Who wouldn’t want a beautiful horse of their very own for their birthday! This was a very creative take on the Birthday Bash theme and it was executed very well! Well done!
6th place:
Ellie W., AK
I loved the use of the outside elements in this photo! It was also the perfect example that sometimes less is more. A perfect choice in model for the picture as well – the cute draft cheerfully trotting towards the camera at the ideal angle. His chocolate coloring stands out so well next to the white snow and the confetti footing is a great touch! Loved it!
Honorable Mentions:
Devynn P., SC
This news clipping was certainly not something I expected, but I was sure happy to see it! Extra points for creativity with the article and naughty ponies hijacking the cake at bakery! Since this is a photo contest, I think I would have liked to see the photo in color and maybe showcased a little more, but I seriously loved this out-of-the-box thinking!
Angelica L., TX
I especially loved the falling confetti captured in this picture! I loved the feeling of “party” in the air and the unwavering horses! I wish the birthday banner would have been a bit bigger and more visible. Otherwise it’s a great shot and I enjoyed it immensely!
1st place:
Judy D., CO
This picture was perfectly on theme and absolutely screamed “BREYER PARTY!” I loved the mix of both vintage and more current models present at the festivities to celebrate the guest of honor, the Breyer that started it all! I can almost feel his shocked expression as he sees all his herd mates gathering in his honor. Every time I looked at the photo, I found something new and the attention to detail was unsurpassed. Excellent job! An absolute winner!
2nd place:
Marissa H., GA
I loved this sweet photo and its take on the birthday theme! It felt so believable, with each element perfectly placed and even the horses in the background looking on curiously. The photo taken at the level with the scene made me feel like I was a part of this special close-up moment. Very creative and well-executed!
3rd place:
Maddie M., FL
This was such tastefully done photo and no detail was spared! All pieces are perfectly in scale and their placement clearly very thought-out. My focus is drawn to the caring moment between a girl and her horse, but as soon as you take a look around there are the most lovely details – the tiny cards, saddle and helmet on the bench. I just loved finding new, beautiful details the longer I gazed! Very well done!
4th place:
Kayla L., ME
One of those photos that made my instantly smile! I always love when the tables are turned and horses are performing some of the human party games. This concept was so creative and the choice in model horses used was great. I wanted to join in! Great job!
5th place:
Rachel A., NC
This looks like QUITE the party! I really liked the composition and detailed elements within the photo. The cake looks so cool and delicious! The attention to detail is wonderful and it made me very hungry!
6th place:
Kathy O., TX
This guy is clearly the center of attention! I loved the choice of model – even though he is little, he has a big presence in this photo. His spotted coat is party-themed and the sparkly bow in the background is a well-placed element that gives texture to the photo.
A big thank you to all of our participants – your prizes and ribbons will be mailed out as soon as possible. We're gearing up for another great Breyer Photo Show very soon, so keep an eye out for it!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!