December 2024 Photo Show Results
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
Judging by Rayvin Maddock
It was an absolute honor to judge such fantastic photo show entries of one of my favorite subjects, unicorns! What delightful creativity you all showed along with very impressive photography skills. Each of you really captured the magic of the unicorn and showed them off in such unique and interesting ways! It was a challenge to place just six in each category. Each of the placing photos stood out from the crowd and were judged on creativity, overall composition of the photo, accuracy and how true to the theme they were. Bravo and congratulations to each of you!
1st place:
Ann D., GA
Fantastically creative and a lovely reference to the film "Elf!" The composition is very good and it lets your eye flow really nicely. It looks very professional! The licorice on the edges of the peppermint path aren't quite even, so that catches the eye a little. Overall marvelous work!
2nd place:
Hadley B., CA
The use of icicles to create an icy wonderland compliments these unicorns so well and starts forming a story right away. Very magical! The cropping of the photo might have benefited from being a little more centered, as this makes my eye look to the top left to see what the room was being made for.
3rd place:
Emaara N., WA
This photo uses beautiful dramatic lighting while not losing the details in the model. The angles are interesting and the model pops out from the background. The composition really works well and adds to the reflective unicorn subject. The tail tip was cut off, so a slightly wider crop would make this an even better photo. Well done!
4th place:
Rylie H., CA
I really like the added handmade decorations on this model, which compliment both it and the background. There is good balance in color, contrast and composition. The scale of the leaves in the background is a bit distracting from the elegance of the rest of the photo. Overall very well done!
5th place:
Angelica L., TX
I love the interesting angle of the model captured in this photo. There is a lot for the eye to enjoy and the model is in sharp focus. The scale of the greenery is a bit distracting though. Try bringing some to-scale props with you or keeping larger out-of-scale things in the background.
6th place:
Cora B., CA
This is such a cool photo with a classic story to tell. The composition is very dramatic and engages the viewer. It would be nice to see it be in a bit more focus with some more contrast between the girl and the background so we can really enjoy the lovely details.
Honorable Mention:
Karis B., GA
This photo really emanates a happy, magical day at the beach! The colors are vibrant and the models start to tell a story about what they might be up to. I would like to see more of the model's faces, and maybe move the cropping a bit more so we can see more of them and the beautiful ocean they are enjoying.
1st place:
Sondra H., IA
This photo tells a story! The overall creativity, feel and composition is wonderful and the added ambiance of the smoke brings out the model from the background. I would have placed the figure a little more to the side so he doesn't blend in with the unicorn's leg. Very well done!
2nd place:
Keri P., OH
This photo is very enchanting and includes a stunning use of the sun between the forelegs to add that extra magic! The colors are all beautifully set up and the unicorn sings with enchantment. This photo honored the theme well. The photo might have benefited from a wider crop as it feels a little crowded.
3rd place:
Cynthia D., NJ
The balance and complimentary use of color and lighting is lovely in this photo! The contrasts really make the model pop. It is definitely on-theme and looks right out of a fairytale. I would like to have seen the model a little better lit with a crisper focus on him to really make this photo shine.
4th place:
Lydia D., ID
Right out of the enchanted forests and into the lavender mountains! A very creative use of color and dramatic lighting. The water adds to the composition well and the angle of the unicorn adds interest. Some of the unicorn gets a little lost in the background, so playing with lighting, contrast and camera position to really make him stand out would make this even better. Very nice!
5th place:
Della V., WA
I love the honoring of the theme here and the story the two models tell as they are caught in their dance. The mood is lovely and the angle of the rock in background adds interest for the eye. The lighting is a bit challenging as both models are quite dark, which hides their details. Try using a reflector or tin foil to redirect that beautiful sunset light back onto the models!
6th place:
Shana B., WA
I love the color choice of the background to compliment the magical unicorn subject! The photo is well-balanced with the model clearly on display. The contrast between the model and background makes it blend in a bit where I would like it to stand out a little more. Using lighting on the background to enhance that contrast would help the model pop. Beautiful work!
Honorable Mention:
Malia D., HI
This pair deserves a shout-out for the whimsical use of the foal! I love how the mare draws your eye first, then how he pops out and surprises you. Bravo! Cropping a little wider to include the horn and a little room for the mare to move into would have made this photo even better.
A big thank you to all of our participants - your prizes and ribbons will be mailed out soon! See you next year for another round of exciting Breyer Photo Shows!
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!