From his pinking and soft pearl basecoat, to his complex appaloosa pattern, to his final touches of shading, Ambrose represents the pinnacle of the craftsmanship of Breyer. A limited edition of 350 pieces, every Ambrose model was hand painted by Breyer’s master artisans in Wayne, New Jersey over the course of many months. These stallions came to life with the precision and detail of our finest limited editions painted in Breyer’s New Jersey facility, including BreyerFest raffle and auction models.
Designed by talented finishwork artist Myla Pearce, Ambrose brings our stately stock horse sculpture to life with a dappled silver bay blanket appaloosa coat complete with mottling, striped hooves, and an intricately shaded mane and tail. Ambrose is a piece of art that will be cherished for generations to come.
Ambrose has “Breyer Special Edition” printed on his belly for authenticity and is packaged in a mail-order box.
As a benefit of being a Collector Club member, we are offering you the first chance to purchase this remarkable model. For a limited time, you will have access to Ambrose before we release it to all of our web customers.
Thank you for being a Breyer Collector Club member, and we hope you find Ambrose to be as exquisite as we do.