Exclusively for Breyer Collector Club members! Breyer test run models are initial decos painted up to see how a particular color might look on a particular sculpture. Or, they may be created to test out a painting technique or new colorway. Not all test run models are used, and they may vary over time as different painting techniques are developed and tested. Each model has a fixed price and interested members enter a random draw for the ability to purchase the test piece.
Chris Hess’s iconic Five Gaiter (mold #52) comes to life in a shaded fiery chestnut with detailed eyes and a healthy coat of gloss! This striking Saddlebred was likely created sometime in the early 2000s. His coat is solid with no white markings, and his ribbon is unpainted. This model was created on older whiteware, as designated by the U.S.A. stamp alongside the Breyer Molding Co. logo on his inside right leg.